January 7, 2023 Press


新年將至,Gaia Group 今年繼續為大家精心準備了豐盛的賀年盆菜及新春糕品! 除了象徵包羅萬有,風生水起的「富貴鮑魚撈起」、傳統的「富貴鮑魚花膠海參全家福」及「龍蝦花膠鮑魚金蠔盆菜」外,更包括「頂級富貴鮑魚臘味蘿蔔糕」、「鴻運黑糖椰汁年糕」及入口清甜爽滑的「雙喜桂花椰汁馬蹄糕」等。盆菜及賀年糕品網店優惠低至85折,親臨指定餐廳惠顧堂食滿指定金額更可享高達盆菜75折及糕品6折優惠!



Chinese New Year is around the corner, GAIA GROUP have specially crafted CNY Delights and Poon Choi to celebrate! We have the Supreme Abalone Lou Hei that symbolizes an auspicious start for the year, as well as our traditional Supreme Lobster Abalone Treasure Pot and Supreme Lobster Fish Maw Poon. We also have different types of Chinese New Year puddings such as Turnip Cake etc.

Get up to 15% off Poon Choi and Chinese New Year Delights when you shop online, and enjoy even bigger savings when you dine-in at specified restaurants. Spend a certain amount and get up to 25% off Poon Choi dishes and an incredible 40% off cake products.

*Use the promo code【2023GAIACNY15】up to 15% off on Poon Choi and Chinese New Year Puddings at the online store

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