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香港經濟日報:木系居酒屋Nambu 推鍋物蟹宴提升和食體驗
近月有網民在Facebook飲食群組中統計香港7 大美食沙漠,當中黃竹坑就被評為第 六位,處於近榜尾位置,網民歸咎於該區只有工廈劣食堂及離地貴餐廳兩種選擇。 最近,THE SOUTHSIDE一間名為Nambu 日本居酒屋,就為食客提供多樣化和食體驗。 In recent months, netizens in a Facebook food group have identified the seven major food deserts in Hong Kong. Wong Chuk Hang was ranked sixth, near the bottom, with netizens attributing it to having only two types of dining options: subpar factory canteens and overpriced upscale restaurants. Recently, a Japanese izakaya named Nambu at THE SOUTHSIDE has started offering a diverse Japanese dining experience for food enthusiasts.
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SANRIO 人氣角色 HANGYODON 登陸又一城新派泰菜餐廳 Greyhound Café | Sanrio’s Popular Character HANGYODON Has Landed Modern Thai Restaurant – Greyhound Café in Festival Walk
聖誕臨近,新派泰菜餐廳 Greyhound Café 與九龍塘大型購物商場又一城合作,於2024年11月22日至2025年1月1日期間,一同參與又一城的《HANGYODON • HONG KONG WINTER FUN FEST 2024》聖誕活動。Greyhound Café 又一城分店推出一系列 Sanrio 人氣角色 HANGYODON 主題餐飲,所有食物及飲品全日供應,慶祝聖誕節。 As Christmas approaches, modern Thai restaurant Greyhound Café is collaborating with Festival Walk in Kowloon Tong to participate in its "HANGYODON • HONG KONG WINTER FUN FEST 2024" Christmas event from 22 November to 1 January 2025. Greyhound Café will introduce a series of themed food and drinks featuring the popular Sanrio character HANGYODON, with all items available throughout the day to celebrate Christmas.
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尖沙咀 K11 MUSEA 的全新中菜廳 - 金枝玉葉 帶來非凡文化饕宴 Golden Blossoms - The New Chinese Restaurant at K11 MUSEA in Tsim Sha Tsui - Presenting an Extraordinary Cultural Feast
「金枝玉葉」原本形容如金玉般的枝葉,或將之比喻皇族後商。近日一家位於尖沙咀 K11 MUSEA 的全新中菜廳用上這個象徵尊貴的名字,匯聚浙、京、滬及粵經典名菜,包括宋高宗賜名的「紹三鮮」、農民為省時而創作的「神仙雞」、一道道美饌走進非凡文化饕宴中。 Golden Blossoms, this term originally described the precious leaves and branches like gold and jade, or it was used to compare them to the nobility of the royal family. Recently, a brand-new Chinese restaurant has adopted this symbolic name of nobility, gathering classic dishes from Zhejiang, Beijing, Shanghai, and Cantonese cuisines. These include the “Assorted Shaoxing Casserole” personally named by Emperor Gaozong of the Song Dynasty, the " Signature Briased Chicken" created by farmers to save time, and many other exquisite delicacies that are part of an extraordinary gastronomic feast.