Gaia Group 情人節盛宴:21間餐廳,打造專屬浪漫 Gaia Group Valentine's Day Feast: 21 Restaurants Crafting Exclusive Romance
今年情人節,Gaia Group 精選旗下21間餐廳,為你與摯愛獻上最難忘的甜蜜饗宴!無論是意式風情、日式精緻,還是亞洲風味,我們都精心設計了情人節限定餐單,搭配浪漫氛圍,讓愛意滿載。
This Valentine's Day, Gaia Group has selected 21 restaurants to present you and your beloved with an unforgettable sweet feast! Whether it's Italian charm, Japanese delicacy, or Asian flavors, we have meticulously designed a limited Valentine's Day menu, paired with a romantic ambiance, to fill your celebration with love.