K11 MUSEA Food Playground集合中西日韓港高性價比新食店
K11 MUSEA Food Playground - A Collection of High Value-for-Money Dining Outlets Featuring Chinese, Western, Japanese, Korean and Hong Kong Cuisines
K11 MUSEA 深明大眾對美食的熱愛與對物超所值的追求。因此,商場最近在B2樓層的 Food Playground 引入了5間全新餐飲店,務求滿足不同客群的飲食需求,為食客提供更多選擇。K11 MUSEA 希望將 Food Playground 打造成集休閒、輕鬆、娛樂於一體的場所。5間新開業的餐廳融合了中、西、日、韓及港式料理,滿足顧客對美食的不同喜好。
K11 MUSEA understands your love of food and pursuit of value-for-money dining options. Therefore, the mall has recently introduced five brand-new restaurants on floor B2, known as the Food Playground, to cater to the diverse dining needs of different customer segments and offer more choices for diners. K11 MUSEA hopes to turn the Food Playground into a place that combines leisure, relaxation and entertainment. The five new restaurants offer a blend of Chinese, Western, Japanese, Korean and Hong Kong cuisines to satisfy customers' varied food preferences.